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Today 28/4/2009,I have started my beautician course-make up course....The 1st day I go to sch vry early about 9.30am I already reach there^^ So stupid la me^^.....The class is start at 10.30am,so I just sit there wait and wait....Until 10.00am the principal has cal me go in the room and pass me the uniform to change it... I know this company is same as the shop name SUB is selling black and white shirt,I think my uniform must be vry cool and nice...But when i get it is just a T-shirt,but the quality is quite good...The price of this shirt is RM61....Shock when heard it...But I take full course so this shirt is in the package no need to pay extra...phew~!~
The 1st class is about the sch rules,even is not in secondary sch but need to follow the rules too~~ Anyway the rules is ok for me...Today my class is just have 3 new student,other is senior....The teacher told us other new student cant attend today....After the rules class we have go in to the make up class,today teacher teach us fashion make up,because I am a new so just take note and look other senior make up each other,look fun^^....
After the class teacher let me know about the accessory we need to buy....When i know the price i wan die....so damn expensive....Just a clip also need RM30++.....I dont wan to think about it....IF buy all together must need RM1000++.....OMG~~
Hope my life can go on and on^^

PHoebe 06:20


I have get my P lesen on today...and I have waste about 3 month only finish all my car lesson,because of my work I have to delay my car lesson...haiz....but now i have finish and i can drive^^.....Yesterday I just pass my resign letter to my manager because I need to continue my study.When my manager get my resign letter she call me and ask did I really wan resign?huh...actually I work for this company until boring....and all staff there will resign end of this april too......This is a big company but we feel this company is not good at all...all staff there work until all say wan stop fast....hehe...Dont know why??? After this month I have to go learn my cosmetic course...I hope I can success fast and can earn more money and get more experience....and wish all my friends good luck too^^

That day midvalley have a promotion of a beauty brand and i have get some star fish picture at there....look cute hahaha when touch it the star fish will drop down hahaha^^cute

PHoebe 09:34


Today just get my SPM result.....I cant accept the truth that my BM get D....Almost my Bm is get B.....But now I duno y in spm i get D....I juz cant accept this.....I do many revision of my Bm but now juz get the shit out......Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the weird things is my science....I dint do well in spm but can get C.....I hope my malay can exchange with my science............~~

PHoebe 06:09


Long time no log in to my blog,is because nth to write and lazy of my works.....Today i was so surprise that my manager send a letter to my supervisor,the letter is about my supervisor job has been termination on 3/3...THats mean get FIRE^^.....A bit happy and sad too,happy is he know his wrong,he is lazy lazy lazy supervisor...when he work time he will go walk anywhere....haiz....Sad is now everything in the shop Me is the 1 to handle...bad luck...but don't know salary got increase or not.....

SPM result getting out soon...abit worry~~

PHoebe 05:23



PHoebe 08:04



PHoebe 05:53


上个星期和几位朋友去找了工作,找到了一间但得买衣服有点麻烦。过 后真的有认真去了好几间衣服店找找那种OL的衣服,原来那种衣服还蛮贵的我找到了裤子却找不到衣服后来想想还是不要这份工作了,于是就sms跟经理退掉。 昨天和朋友去了midvalley education fair,在那里我找到我想就读的科系,化装系和美发系,拿了很多资料回来参考。

PHoebe 20:47


前几天才和5位朋友到云顶玩,云顶在12月时真的超冷的,害我都病了。我们去两天一夜,但都不能好好的玩,因为下雨的关系themepark都没开我们只能在酒店里睡觉和玩indoor的游戏超无聊的,现在想想都觉得很浪费钱因为我们买得票是全场的。到了傍晚,雨没这么大的时候我们再去玩,怎么知道玩到一半雨又下了,真倒霉。Christmas 快到了,云顶四周围得布置都有很多美丽的christmas tree和五颜六色的灯,感觉很不错。隔天我们就回去了,而且我还带病回家。
休息了一天,我和朋友就去找工作了我的假期就这样完了。11/12今天我和朋友去问了很多间店是否要请人,问了好多间但全部都只是叫留号码等回复。我们知道如果是这样机会一定很少但还是试一试。终于到最后一刻,有一间卖鞋店的manager打给我叫我去面试,而我也成功了还叫我星期一去上班,最烦恼的时刻来了就是得自己准备uniform,没办法我得去找。 现在回想还蛮后悔这么快就找工作了。我的假期没了。

PHoebe 22:12



PHoebe 10:28



PHoebe 22:26


放了一个星期的假感觉还不错。这个星期是我表姐的结婚典礼,所以在这个星期日后的三天我都去参加她的结婚典礼,在这两天里我发现结婚是件很烦的事情我会这么说是因为看见表姐在这几天都很忙。但在准备婚礼的时候会更忙,必须订酒席,拍婚纱照等等的准备总指会很忙就是了。不但这个,费用也很贵,结一次婚会用到十千以上,好心痛!!哈 哈。在摆喜酒的那天有很多情戚朋友都会出席,那天晚上真得令我很烦,因为大家都问我几十轮到我结婚,还有人介绍他们的儿子给我认识,真是的我才17岁就问 我结婚的事,在那天晚上我再吃了第3道菜就不想吃了因为后面那座人很吵又有人抽烟,然后我那一座人也很吵一直叫我上台唱歌,本来有心情的也被他们搞倒没心 情了到最后还头痛了一场,总而言之当晚真得很不舒服。
对我来说结婚是我占时没想过的事,也不会想的事。因为我觉得在我还没有所成就时后我是绝对不会想要结婚的,而且我觉得结了婚感觉像被捆绑住,没自由。也许 这对其他人来说不一定但我就是这么认为,我想我有很多朋友都很想快点结婚当少奶奶吧!!!我觉得还是赶快打消这个念头吧!!!结婚??? NO WAY!!!!!!

PHoebe 06:36


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It's Me

I am a girl like to sing,watch movie......



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